Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
Character Classes
Monster Basics | Monster Bonuses | Super Unique Monsters | Bosses | Monster Index
Act I Bestiary | Act II Bestiary | Act III Bestiary | Act IV Bestiary | Act V Bestiary

Griswold | The Smith | Andariel | Summoner | Duriel
Mephisto | Izual | Hephasto | Diablo | Nihlathak
Talic | Madawc | Korlic | Baal | Über Diablo
Pandemonium Diablo | Über Baal | Über Mephisto
Über Duriel | Über Izual | Lilith

Super Unique Monsters

Izual Izual (Animal)

From the Crystal Arch at the very heart of the High Heavens to the arcane Hellforge of the Underworld, the warriors of the eternal realms pursue victory in their timeless conflict. The legendary deeds of the heroes of the realms beyond elicit both veneration and insight.

The greatest of these heroes was Izual, lieutenant to the Archangel Tyrael and bearer of the Angelic Runeblade Azurewrath. He once led a fierce attack upon the Hellforge as the creation of the dark demonblade Shadowfang was nearing completion. During the battle that ensued, Izual was overcome by legions of Chaos and was lost to the Darkness.

Izual now remains as a dark, tortured soul who is trapped within the forsaken realms of Hell. Despite his valor and strength, his form was twisted by the perverse powers of the Prime Evils. They forced him to betray his own kind and give up Heaven’s most guarded secrets. Izual became a corrupt shadow of his former self; a fallen angel trusted neither by Heaven nor Hell.

For his transgressions, the spirit of Izual was bound within the form of a terrible creature that was summoned from the Abyss. His maddened spirit has resided within that tortured husk for many ages now. Although he now certainly no longer carries the weapon Azurewrath, Izual still possesses great strength and powers within his new form. He is a threat to any who would oppose him, and in his current state, it is certain that he will see you as opposition.

Tips and Other Additional Information
The first thing you will notice when you fight Izual is that he has a lot of life. He often spawns among packs of monsters in the Plains of Despair, so take out those monsters before engaging Izual. Izual's attack will chill your character so Thawing Potions or high Cold Resistance will keep this from becoming too much of a problem.

Izual uses the following Skills: Frost Nova.

  Level Experience Hit Points
Norm Night Hell
29 60 86
Norm Night Hell
22761 237724 1044247
Norm Night Hell
11946 41811 57365

  Melee Attack 1 Attack Rating 1 Melee Attack 2 Attack Rating 2
Norm Night Hell
25-45 58-78 117-156
Norm Night Hell
747 2340 6892
Norm Night Hell
25-45 58-78 117-156
Norm Night Hell
747 2340 6892

  Defense % to Block Damage Resist Magic Resist
Norm Night Hell
146 979 2002
Norm Night Hell
30 30 30
Norm Night Hell
30 30 30

  Fire Resist Cold Resist Lightning Resist Poison Resist
Norm Night Hell
30 30 30
Norm Night Hell
75 75 75
Norm Night Hell
30 30 30
Norm Night Hell
30 30 30

  Drain Effectiveness Immunities Chill Effectiveness
Norm Night Hell
100 75 50
Norm Night Hell
- - -
Norm Night Hell
50 33 25

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