Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
Character Classes
Monster Basics | Monster Bonuses | Super Unique Monsters | Bosses | Monster Index
Act I Bestiary | Act II Bestiary | Act III Bestiary | Act IV Bestiary | Act V Bestiary

Griswold | The Smith | Andariel | Summoner | Duriel
Mephisto | Izual | Hephasto | Diablo | Nihlathak
Talic | Madawc | Korlic | Baal | Über Diablo
Pandemonium Diablo | Über Baal | Über Mephisto
Über Duriel | Über Izual | Lilith

Super Uniques

 Mephisto Mephisto (Demon)

Mephisto was the first Prime Evil to be captured, and his Soulstone was put into the hands of the local priesthood, the Zakarum, for safekeeping. They kept it under a Zakarum temple in what would eventually become Kurast. In the meantime, the Horadrim pursued and eventually captured all three of the Prime Evils.

Eventually, however, Mephisto managed to overcome the powers of the Soulstone that imprisoned him enough to influence and corrupt the Zakarum. The demon then had the priests work spells to shatter the Soulstone into seven shards, breaking the mystic seal and freeing the Lord of Hatred.

Tips and Other Additional Information
Clear out any nearby Council Members or monsters in the area. If you're unable to kill some of the Council Members you can use this trick: open up a Town Portal in the middle room with Mephisto or the left room. Then lead any Council Members you're unable to kill to the stairs that lead to Durance of Hate Level 2. Now run back to the Waypoint in Durance of Hate Level 2 and use it to go back to Town. From Town enter your Town Portal and you'll be back in Mephisto's Lair. The Council Members will be back at the stairs out of the way, if you lead them away correctly and placed the Town Portal far enough away from the stairs. You'll now be able to attack Mephisto without his being helped by those council Members.

Cold and Lightning Resistance helps a lot against Mephisto.

Mephisto uses the following Skills: Lightning, Charged Bolt, Poison Nova, "Skull" Missile, Frost Nova, Blizzard.

  Level Experience Hit Points
Norm Night Hell
26 59 87
Norm Night Hell
10718 240504 1148886
Norm Night Hell
6036 74547 94320

  Melee Attack 1 Attack Rating 1 Melee Attack 2 Attack Rating 2
Norm Night Hell
50-75 78-107 156-215
Norm Night Hell
665 2304 6968
Norm Night Hell
50-75 78-107 156-215
Norm Night Hell
665 2304 6968

  Defense % to Block Damage Resist Magic Resist
Norm Night Hell
193 1286 2697
Norm Night Hell
20 40 50
Norm Night Hell
0 0 20
Norm Night Hell
0 0 50

  Fire Resist Cold Resist Lightning Resist Poison Resist
Norm Night Hell
33 50 75
Norm Night Hell
25 25 75
Norm Night Hell
33 50 75
Norm Night Hell
50 50 75

  Drain Effectiveness Immunities Chill Effectiveness
Norm Night Hell
100 0 0
Norm Night Hell
- - -
Norm Night Hell
25 15 10

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