Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
Character Classes
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Act I Bestiary | Act II Bestiary | Act III Bestiary | Act IV Bestiary | Act V Bestiary

Baal's Minion | Baboon Demon | Bat Demon | Blood Hawk | Blood Lord | Blunderbore
Bone Fetish | Claw Viper | Corrupt Rogue Archer
Corrupt Rogue Spearwoman | Council Member | Death Mauler | Demon Imp | Fallen
Fallen Shaman | Fetish | Fetish Shaman | Finger Mage | Giant Spider
Goatman | Greater Mummy | Leaper | Megademon | Mummy
Reanimated Horde | Regurgitator | Sabre Cat | Sand Maggot | Sand Maggot Egg
Sand Maggot Young | Sand Raider | Scarab Demon | Skeleton | Skeleton Archer
Skeleton Mage | Slinger | Spike Fiend | Stygian Fury | Succubus | Tainted
Thorned Hulk | Undead Horror | Vampire | Vile Child | Vile Mother
Vulture Demon | Willowisp | Wraith | Zakarum Priest | Zakarum Zealot

Act V Bestiary

Stygian Fury Stygian Fury (Demon) (Guest Monster)
Siren, Vile Witch, Hell Witch

The handmaidens of Andariel, these powerful demonesses were thought to have been all but killed off during the battle below Tristram, but Baal has unleashed his personal harem on Mt. Arreat and enlisted their charms to help fulfill his desire to control the mortal realm. Succubi are among the most zealous minions of their master. They possess an incessant craving for blood, especially that of human men, and they take to battle with a passion and a joy not often seen in demons. They are fast and mobile in combat, preferring to weaken their prey from a distance with a diabolical curse that causes the afflicted to lose life instead of mana when using their skills.

Tips and Other Additional Information
Stygian Fury have a ranged magic attack unlike regular Succubus monsters which use a melee attack.

Stygian Fury also cast several different curses.

Amplify Damage
This curse is the same as the Necromancer's Curse.

This curse is the same as the Necromancer's Curse.

Defense Curse
If you have more Life than Mana, then they give you a curse that halves your defense (65% in Nightmare, 85% in Hell).

Blood Mana
Succubi and Baal cast a special curse shown in the screenshot below (Along with Thunderstorm and Energy Shield). This curse causes you to do damage to yourself when you cast spells. For skills that require more mana, you will take more damage. This even includes such spells like Teleport but doesn't include Thunderstorm or Energy Shield because you already have cast them. Whenever this curse is cast on you, stop casting spells until it's worn off, click on a Shrine to counteract it, or go back to town and have it removed. Blood Mana only affects you if you have more Mana than Life. If you have at least as much max Mana as max Life, you can be cursed.

  Level Experience Hit Points
Vile Witch
Hell Witch
Night Hell
61 83
61 83
61 83
Night Hell
18386 70291
18386 70291
18386 70291
Night Hell
827-1241 2678-5356
827-1241 2678-5356
827-1241 2678-5356

  Melee Attack 1 Attack Rating 1 Melee Attack 2 Attack Rating 2
Vile Witch
Hell Witch
Night Hell
25-45 47-84
25-45 47-84
25-45 47-84
Night Hell
1425 3998
1425 3998
1425 3998
Night Hell
25-45 47-84
25-45 47-84
25-45 47-84
Night Hell
1425 3998
1425 3998
1425 3998

  Defense % to Block Damage Resist Magic Resist
Vile Witch
Hell Witch
Night Hell
952 1858
952 1858
952 1858
Night Hell
0 25
0 25
0 25
Night Hell
33 66
33 66
33 66

  Fire Resist Cold Resist Lightning Resist Poison Resist
Vile Witch
Hell Witch
Night Hell
33 66
33 66
33 66
Night Hell
100 125
100 155
100 145
Night Hell
15 33
15 33
15 33
Night Hell
33 66
33 66
33 66

  Drain Effectiveness Immunities Chill Effectiveness
Vile Witch
Hell Witch
Night Hell
85 75
85 75
85 75
Night Hell
Cold Cold
Cold Cold
Cold Cold
Night Hell
40 33
40 33
40 33

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