Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
Character Classes
Monster Basics | Monster Bonuses | Super Unique Monsters | Bosses | Monster Index
Act I Bestiary | Act II Bestiary | Act III Bestiary | Act IV Bestiary | Act V Bestiary

Baal's Minion | Suicide Minion | Death Mauler | Catapult | Overseer
Demon Imp | Siege Beast | Abominable | Reanimated Horde | Succubus
Stygian Fury | Frozen Horror | Blood Lord | Putrid Defiler | Pain Worm
Minion of Destruction | Reziarfg

Act V Bestiary

Reanimated Horde Reanimated Horde (Undead)
Rot Walker, Reanimated Horde, Prowling Dead, Unholy Corpse, Defiled Warrior

Whenever Baal needs vast numbers of troops to lay siege to some stronghold determined to resist him, he musters the Reanimated Horde. These undead minions are the twisted souls of dead soldiers whose hearts turned black while still alive and have been given a new existence in the service of Baal. Chosen from only the strongest and most fearsome of warriors, members of the Reanimated Horde are distinguishable from normal skeletons by their greater size and by their vicious charging attack. When you encounter a member of this dark army, kill it and make sure it stays down; they have the nasty habit of refusing to remain dead.

Tips and Other Additional Information
Reanimated Horde use Charge.

Reanimated Horde have a chance to rise again. You will still get experience and a chance for loot multiple times so kill them again and again.

  Level Experience Hit Points
Rot Walker
Reanimated Horde
Prowling Dead
Unholy Corpse
Defiled Warrior
Norm Night Hell
31 61 81
33 62 82
35 63 83
40 64 84
42 65 85
Norm Night Hell
903 13314 48046
1090 14114 49473
1322 14961 50900
2127 15859 52327
2569 16810 53754
Norm Night Hell
163-242 1516-1861 4721-7724
180-270 1553-1906 4815-7879
198-297 1591-1953 4910-8035
245-367 1628-1998 5005-8190
266-397 1666-2045 5100-8345

  Melee Attack 1 Attack Rating 1 Melee Attack 2 Attack Rating 2
Rot Walker
Reanimated Horde
Prowling Dead
Unholy Corpse
Defiled Warrior
Norm Night Hell
6-17 35-56 65-102
7-18 35-56 65-102
7-19 36-57 65-103
8-22 36-57 65-103
9-23 37-58 67-105
Norm Night Hell
444 1603 4395
471 1628 4446
505 1652 4498
578 1676 4549
608 1701 4600
Norm Night Hell
6-17 30-61 55-111
7-18 30-61 55-111
7-19 31-62 56-112
8-22 31-62 56-112
9-23 31-63 57-115
Norm Night Hell
297 1188 3256
318 1206 3294
338 1224 3332
389 1242 3370
410 1260 3408

  Defense % to Block Damage Resist Magic Resist
Rot Walker
Reanimated Horde
Prowling Dead
Unholy Corpse
Defiled Warrior
Norm Night Hell
199 579 1106
211 588 1118
224 596 1131
256 604 1143
269 613 1155
Norm Night Hell
0 0 50
0 0 50
0 0 50
20 20 50
0 0 50
Norm Night Hell
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
50 50 50

  Fire Resist Cold Resist Lightning Resist Poison Resist
Rot Walker
Reanimated Horde
Prowling Dead
Unholy Corpse
Defiled Warrior
Norm Night Hell
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
50 50 50
0 0 0
Norm Night Hell
0 0 130
0 0 150
0 0 170
0 0 50
0 0 50
Norm Night Hell
0 0 33
0 0 33
0 0 33
0 0 33
0 0 33
Norm Night Hell
70 70 70
80 80 80
90 90 90
70 100 100
70 100 100

  Drain Effectiveness Immunities Chill Effectiveness
Rot Walker
Reanimated Horde
Prowling Dead
Unholy Corpse
Defiled Warrior
Norm Night Hell
100 75 66
100 75 66
100 75 66
100 75 66
100 75 66
Norm Night Hell
- - Cold
- - Cold
- - Cold
- Poison Poison
- Poison Poison
Norm Night Hell
50 33 25
50 33 25
50 33 25
50 33 25
50 33 25

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