Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
Character Classes
Monster Basics | Monster Bonuses | Super Unique Monsters | Bosses | Monster Index
Act I Bestiary | Act II Bestiary | Act III Bestiary | Act IV Bestiary | Act V Bestiary

Leaper | Scarab Demon | Sand Maggot | Sand Maggot Egg | Sand Maggot Young
Vulture Demon | Swarm | Sabre Cat | Slinger | Mummy | Greater Mummy
Sand Raider | Bat Demon | Claw Viper | Baboon Demon | Blunderbore
Lightning Spire | Mummy Sarcophagus | Fire Tower

Act II Bestiary

Scarab Demon Scarab Demon (Animal)
Dung Soldier, Death Beetle, Scarab, Steel Scarab, Bone Scarab

A vastly mutated beetle from the region, only Hell could produce something so vile. Scarab Demons are large, mobile insects that rapidly pursue and surround their enemies. When struck, these demons unleash a deadly spread of electrical energy that proves fatal to many attackers. It is perilous to fight these monstrosities without ranged weapons or a suitable resistance to lightning.

Tips and Other Additional Information
Scarab Demons shoot out Charged Bolts when struck, much like any Lightning Enchanted Unique monster. With their innate Lightning abilities, you may want to consider putting on items with resistance to lightning when engaging groups of these creatures. Avoid getting caught withinin a pack of Scarab Demons - if surrounded, your life expectancy is sure to drop. Keep moving and try to engage these one at a time. Use your strongest possible attacks so they shoot out a minimal number of Charged Bolts.

Scarab Demons have a Jab attack. Death Beetles heal 50% faster than normal monsters. Scarabs heal twice as fast as normal monsters. Steel Scarabs heal 150% faster than normal monsters. Bone Scarabs heal three times as fast as normal monsters.

Dung Soldiers, Scarabs, Steel Scarabs, and Bone Scarabs have a chance to deal Lightning damage.
Death Beetles have a chance to deal Lightning and Poison damage.

  Level Experience Hit Points
Dung Soldier
Death Beetle
Steel Scarab
Bone Scarab
Norm Night Hell
14 43 75
16 45 76
17 45 84
19 48 79
24 54 85
Norm Night Hell
211 5151 47006
256 5897 48705
281 5897 62295
341 7228 53801
548 10543 63993
Norm Night Hell
32-53 534-840 2641-5535
38-62 582-915 2702-5661
40-67 582-915 3185-6673
46-75 654-1028 2883-6041
62-104 797-1252 3245-6800

  Melee Attack 1 Attack Rating 1 Melee Attack 2 Attack Rating 2
Dung Soldier
Death Beetle
Steel Scarab
Bone Scarab
Norm Night Hell
5-15 19-39 46-93
6-17 20-40 47-95
6-17 20-40 51-103
6-19 22-44 50-100
8-24 24-49 52-105
Norm Night Hell
125 1036 3633
145 1080 3679
152 1080 4044
174 1144 3816
223 1274 4089
Norm Night Hell
5-12 19-39 46-93
6-13 20-40 47-95
6-14 20-40 51-103
6-15 22-44 50-100
8-19 24-49 52-105
Norm Night Hell
125 1209 4239
145 1260 4292
152 1260 4718
174 1335 4452
223 1486 4771

  Defense % to Block Damage Resist Magic Resist
Dung Soldier
Death Beetle
Steel Scarab
Bone Scarab
Norm Night Hell
70 887 2138
80 922 2164
85 922 2369
95 974 2241
122 1078 2393
Norm Night Hell
0 0 50
0 0 50
0 0 50
0 0 50
0 0 50
Norm Night Hell
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

  Fire Resist Cold Resist Lightning Resist Poison Resist
Dung Soldier
Death Beetle
Steel Scarab
Bone Scarab
Norm Night Hell
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Norm Night Hell
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Norm Night Hell
0 0 100
0 0 105
0 0 110
0 0 115
0 0 120
Norm Night Hell
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

  Drain Effectiveness Immunities Chill Effectiveness
Dung Soldier
Death Beetle
Steel Scarab
Bone Scarab
Norm Night Hell
100 75 50
100 75 50
100 75 50
100 75 50
100 75 50
Norm Night Hell
- - Lightning
- - Lightning
- - Lightning
- - Lightning
- - Lightning
Norm Night Hell
50 40 25
50 40 25
50 40 25
50 40 25
50 40 25

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