Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
Character Classes
Monster Basics | Monster Bonuses | Super Unique Monsters | Bosses | Monster Index
Act I Bestiary | Act II Bestiary | Act III Bestiary | Act IV Bestiary | Act V Bestiary

Fallen | Fallen Shaman | Spike Fiend | Zombie | Wendigo | Corrupt Rogue
Corrupt Rogue Archer | Corrupt Rogue Spearwoman | Skeleton | Skeleton Archer
Skeleton Mage | Goatman | Bloodhawk | Tainted | Giant Spider | Wraith | Fetish
Vampire | Flying Scimitar | Blood Hawk Nest | Gargoyle Trap

Act I Bestiary

Goatman Goatman (Demon)
Moon Clan, Night Clan, Blood Clan, Death Clan, Hell Clan

These demonic atrocities have been seen in many regions of Sanctuary and within the Western Kingdoms. These mutations of Evil are half man, half goat and signify the foulest form of Hell's will. Once confined to only the darkest labyrinths, they now venture out into the wilderness, ever closer to the encampments of man. Walking upright as men, with heads of horned goats, they tread upon cloven hooves and are skilled with weapons of war. They are cunning, working together to form organized clans that accomplish the desires of their devilish commanders. Their strength is immense and some of the more powerful clans are rumored to guard the lairs of Hell's more renowned demons.

Tips and Other Additional Information
The Night Clan has a chance to deal Lightning damage in Nightmare and Hell.
The Blood Clan has a chance to deal Fire damage in Nightmare and Hell.
The Hell Clan has a chance to deal Fire damage in Nightmare and Hell.

  Level Experience Hit Points
Moon Clan
Night Clan
Blood Clan
Death Clan
Hell Clan
Norm Night Hell
4 37 68
6 38 69
7 38 75
10 40 70
19 48 79
Norm Night Hell
54 2470 25282
72 2645 26505
81 2645 33844
109 3028 27729
245 5204 38736
Norm Night Hell
16-20 559-726 3170-5495
22-28 593-770 3257-5644
25-31 593-770 3774-6541
41-51 661-859 3343-5794
78-97 935-1215 4119-7139

  Melee Attack 1 Attack Rating 1 Melee Attack 2 Attack Rating 2
Moon Clan
Night Clan
Blood Clan
Death Clan
Hell Clan
Norm Night Hell
3-5 23-40 58-101
4-7 22-40 56-100
4-8 20-38 55-102
5-11 24-42 60-104
9-19 26-48 59-109
Norm Night Hell
23 642 2347
41 657 2380
52 657 2573
80 688 2412
174 810 2703
Norm Night Hell
3-5 23-40 58-101
4-7 22-40 56-100
4-8 20-38 55-102
5-11 24-42 60-104
9-19 26-48 59-109
Norm Night Hell
23 642 2347
41 657 2380
52 657 2573
80 688 2412
174 810 2703

  Defense % to Block Damage Resist Magic Resist
Moon Clan
Night Clan
Blood Clan
Death Clan
Hell Clan
Norm Night Hell
12 324 811
18 331 822
21 331 885
30 345 832
58 403 927
Norm Night Hell
0 0 50
0 0 50
0 0 50
0 0 50
0 0 50
Norm Night Hell
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
30 50 50
0 0 0

  Fire Resist Cold Resist Lightning Resist Poison Resist
Moon Clan
Night Clan
Blood Clan
Death Clan
Hell Clan
Norm Night Hell
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 100
20 50 75
40 70 110
Norm Night Hell
0 0 100
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Norm Night Hell
0 0 0
0 0 110
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Norm Night Hell
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

  Drain Effectiveness Immunities Chill Effectiveness
Moon Clan
Night Clan
Blood Clan
Death Clan
Hell Clan
Norm Night Hell
100 90 80
100 90 80
100 90 80
100 90 80
100 90 80
Norm Night Hell
- - Cold
- - Lightning
- - Fire
- - -
- - Fire
Norm Night Hell
50 40 33
50 40 33
50 40 33
50 40 33
50 40 33

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