Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
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Magic Items

Magic Items
As Hell's will has corrupted the land, mages and smiths crafted many magical means to keep the people safe from harm. Fine jewelry, armor, and weapons were often enchanted with arcane energies in an effort to assist those who battled against the tide of evil. During your travels you will likely encounter items imbued with these magics, whose names appear in blue when highlighted.

A Magic Item has a Magic Prefix, or a Magic Suffix, or one of both. A Magic item can never have two Prefixes or two Suffixes.

When Magic Items are created the chances are:

Both Prefix and Suffix: 25%
Only a Prefix: 25%
Only a Suffix: 50%
Magic Items are often somewhat different because the Prefixes and Suffixes are random, and the ranges on the Prefixes and Suffixes are also random within a range, however it is not impossible to find two identical Magic Items.

Selecting Prefixes/Suffixes in drops from Monsters
When picking Prefixes and Suffixes, it will, among those that can occur on the specific base item being created, randomly choose from all those that has a qlvl<=ilvl+2.

qlvl= The Level of the Magic Prefix or Magic Suffix. Look on those pages for the level listed next to each item.

The ilvl is defined as the Monster Level for monsters. Fan sites typically have listings of monster levels.

Magic Level
Circlets, Staves, Wands and Orbs have a special magic ability, or Magic Level, which allows players to receive higher level magical Prefixes and Suffixes on items from Monster Drops and when Gambling (Circlets Only). This bonus only applies to the bonuses that appear on the items themselves. This does not help generate better Magic Prefixes and Suffixes on other items if you are wearing them. So when you receive a Circlet via Gambling or a Monster drop the Magic Level helps increase the chances that a better Magic Prefix or Suffix will appear on it.

Circlets have an increased Magic Level which can add to the Monster Level which can allow you to receive higher Magic Prefixes and Suffixes.

Selecting Prefixes/Suffixes in Gambling
When selecting which Magic Prefixes/Suffixes are available to be Gambled, the level of the Magical Prefix/Suffix is checked against the randomly chosen value in the range of +6 Levels/-3 levels of your character's level. So a Magic item with a Prefix level of 90 would be available at Character Level 84. The chance of getting that item also becomes better at higher Character Levels.

Selecting Prefixes/Suffixes in drops from Chests
We do not have data in this area.

Rare Items
Some magic items radiate energy beyond that of a simple enchanted item. Although much less common, these rare items are significantly more powerful than standard magically enhanced items. A Rare item is distinguished by a yellow title when highlighted.

Rare Items are really just Magic Items with more than one Magical Prefix/Suffix with a special name.

The names of Rare Items are not connected to their stats, so their name is not helpful in describing what stats might be on a Rare Item. The names are randomly generated, however, some names will not appear with some prefixes and suffixes.

Rare Items have 2 to 6 magical properties or Magic Prefixes or Magic Suffixes.

Since Rare Items can have 2 to 6 random magical properties, the range of magical properties is random, and the name is random, Rare items are pretty unique. Although it may be possible to find two Rare items with the same stats, chances are it will have a different name. It is theoretically possible for two Rare items with the same stats and name to exist, however, it is pretty unlikely. Because of this, a complete list of Rare Items cannot be listed.

Each magical property picked will have a 50/50 chance of being a Prefix and a Suffix, but there will never be more than 3 Prefixes or 3 Suffixes on the same Rare Item.

A Prefix or Suffix will never be picked more than once.

Only one Prefix or Suffix will be picked per Prefix or Suffix group. This means for example, if the Prefix Wyrm (+41-60 Mana) is chosen, Dragon's (+31-40 Mana) will not also be chosen since it belongs to the same Prefix +Mana group. Prefixes and Suffixes of the same types (such as Magic Find, Light Radius, Attack Rating) can be chosen. Only members of the same group cannot be chosen.

Selecting Prefixes/Suffixes in drops from Monsters
When picking Prefixes and Suffixes, it will, among those that can occur on the specific base item being created, randomly choose from all those that have a qlvl<=ilvl+2.

qlvl= The Level of the Magic Prefix or Magic Suffix. Look on those pages for the level listed next to each item.

The ilvl is defined as the Monster Level for monsters. Consult the Monster Section for Monster Levels.

Selecting Prefixes/Suffixes in Gambling
When selecting which Magic Prefixes/Suffixes are available to be Gambled, the level of the Magical Prefix/Suffix is checked against the randomly chosen value in the range of +6 Levels/-3 levels of your character's level. So a Magic item with a Prefix level of 90 would be available at Character Level 84. The chance of getting that item also becomes better at higher Character Levels. Remember, Circlets have a Magic Level bonus, which is added to the maximum item level you can receive on that item. Note: this does not affect non-Circlet items when you are wearing a Circlet.

Selecting Prefixes/Suffixes in Imbuing
Imbue is a quest reward. You receive one Imbue per Difficulty level after you complete the quest. You can save your Imbue for later if you wish. To use it, you must create a game or join a game on the same difficulty, so create/join a Normal Difficulty game to use your "Normal Imbue".

Imbue creates a new rare item out of the base item you want to imbue. The stats of the base item do not matter as the item used is only used to determine what type of rare item will result from an Imbue. Any properties of the old item are lost when the new rare item is created. Having a Superior Item, such as a piece of armor with higher Defense does not matter since the item is only used in determining what type of Rare item is created. Therefore, it is possible to get a lower Defense on a piece of armor or equipment if you do not receive an "Enhanced Defense" Magical Prefix.

For the best result you might want to save your Imbue for later. It's up to you to decide. If you save your Imbue you can find the best type of item to imbue such as Ornate Plate vs a lower quality armor. Also you might want to wait until your character level is such that all Magical Prefixes and Suffixes are available. As to which item to Imbue, you might want to pick an item type you're unlikely to upgrade often such as Belts, Boots, and so on. We'll leave the decision to you.

The Rare item will be created in the same way as any other Rare Item is created. The level of magical properties selected is set to Character Level + 6. So higher level characters will have more Magical Prefixes and Suffixes options available to them which may explain why higher level characters receive "better" stuff. This also explains why low level Imbues often result in "junk" stats. Remember, Circlets can increase the Character Level.

Selecting Prefixes/Suffixes in drops from Chests
We do not have nor expect to receive data in this area.

Crafted Items
Learn more about [Crafted Items].

Set Items
Learn more about [Set Items].

Unique Items
Learn more about [Unique Items].

Special Magic Effects

Set Items and Unique Items sometimes have special magical effects that are not found on any Magic or Rare item. This is not a complete listing of all special effects.

Deadly Strike/Critical Strike

  • Deadly Strike (DS)/Critical Strike (CS) are both a chance to double your Physical damage.
  • They apply to both Melee and Ranged attacks, but not to Spells.
  • They do not apply to Impale, Dragon Talon, Dragon Tail, Dragon Flight, Sacrifice, or Smite.
  • They do work with the Blade Traps.
  • Skills that convert Physical damage to a different type (Magic, Fire and Cold Arrows, Lightning Bolt, Fists of Fire, Berserk, Concentrate, and Frenzy (when synergized by Berserk)) do so after DS or CS are applied, so converted damage is doubled.
  • They will modify your final Physical damage with Vengeance but have *no* effect on the Elemental damage caused by Vengeance.
  • Sources of Deadly Strike stack except from a weapon which is not being used to inflict that particular blow.
  • Different types of Critical Strike do *not* stack (e.g. Barbarian Weapon Masteries and Amazon Critical Strike).
  • There is no point to having more than a 100% chance of DS/CS.
  • Critical Strike and Deadly Strike have the same mechanics and only one of them can trigger on any given attack (so a player can't get quadruple damage)

    Open Wounds
    This is a chance of making a monster bleed uncontrollably. They lose health while bleeding. Open Wounds Items stack in most cases.

    Duration: 200 frames (that is 8 seconds).

    The damage per frame seems to be the following (where Clvl is the attackers level, that is the player's level usually):

    Clvl=1-15: (9*Clvl+31)/256
    Clvl=16-30: (18*Clvl-104)/256
    Clvl=31-45: (27*Clvl-374)/256
    Clvl=46-60: (36*Clvl-779)/256
    Clvl=61-99: (45*Clvl-1319)/256
    If you prefer per second, just multiply by 25:
    Clvl=1-15: 25*(9*Clvl+31)/256
    Clvl=16-30: 25*(18*Clvl-104)/256
    Clvl=31-45: 25*(27*Clvl-374)/256
    Clvl=46-60: 25*(36*Clvl-779)/256
    Clvl=61-99: 25*(45*Clvl-1319)/256
    Some examples:

    Clvl 10: 11.8 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 94.5 damage. Clvl 30: 42.6 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 340.6 damage. Clvl 50: 99.7 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 797.7 damage. Clvl 70: 178.8 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 1430.5 damage. Clvl 90: 266.7 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 2133.6 damage.

    Also, the damage is divided by 4 for a player target. In addition, for a missile versus a player target one should divide the damage by 8 instead.

    Finally, versus bosses and champions (could be just bosses or special bosses) the damage is divided by 2.

    It is possible to get up to 100% chance for Open Wounds. Anything above 100% is discarded.

    Crushing Blow
    This is a chance of reducing a monster's health by X% in a single blow.

    -Default: 1/4th
    -vs. Players: 1/10th
    -vs. Hirelings: 1/10th
    -vs. Champions, Uniques, Bosses: 1/8th
    -with missile weapons, default: 1/8th
    -with missile weapons, vs. Players: 1/20th
    -with missile weapons, vs Hirelings: 1/20th
    -with missile weapons, vs Champions, Uniques, Bosses: 1/16th
    The life removed is also scaled with number of players. So that if a monster has 450% more life due to 8 players (or whatever the value is) the life removed is further reduced by the same amount (450% would equal multiplying by 4.5 so the life removed by Crushing Blow is divided by 4.5).
    • It is possible to get up to 100% chance for Crushing Blow. Anything above 100% is discarded.
    • Physical resistance does apply to Crushing Blow damage, but only if the resistance is positive.
    • Crushing Blow Items stack in most cases.
    • Since 1.10 Crushing Blow is calculated before your normal damage. So, before doing the damage that you would normally do, there is a chance you will reduce the health of the monster by X% then normal damage apply to the resulting lower life. If you have more than one item with Crushing Blow, the probabilities will be added together. There will be one random check for a Crushing Blow. There is no check for each separate item, so one can not get multiple Crushing Blows in one attack.

    Hit Causes Monster to Flee
    This is very similar to the Barbarian Howl Warcry and is also similar to Howling items.

    Defense vs Missile
    Reduces the % chance of getting hit by missiles (by raising the effective armor rating).

    Hit Freezes Target
    This bonus is pretty obvious. Items with Hit Freezes Target has a chance to Freeze Targets. Formulae:

    The chance of freezing is 50 + (AL + (B*4) - DL) * 5

    AL = attacker level
    DL = defender level
    B = freeze bonus from item (default is 1)

    if it's ranged, the AL has a -6 penalty.
    if it's ranged, the chance is divided by 3

    freeze length = (chance - roll) * 2 + 25 frames
    with a minimum length of 25 frames (1 second) and a maximum length of 250 frames (10 seconds)

    Hit Blinds Target
    Decreases radius of awareness similar to the Necromancer Curse: Dim Vision.

    The formula is as follows:

    Chance = 50 + (Attacker Level + (Bonus * 4) - Defender Level) * 5

    Where the bonus is how many items of hit blinds target the character has -1. Some items have something like hit blinds target +2, which means they count as 2 items for the bonus calculation. Missile Attacks are at 1/3 this chance.

    The level of Dim Vision that's cast on the target is equal to (Chance - Roll)/5+1, max of 20.

    Slows Target By %
    This appears to be a blue Cold Damage attack but is not actually a cold attack.

    This ability is limited to no more than 50% slowing in PvP.

    Ignores Target Defense (Armor Class)
    This ability will not work on Unique Monsters, Super Unique Monsters, Hirelings, other players, and Act-end bosses.

    What the game does is that set the Defensive Rating of the target to 0. That means it simplifies to:

    Chance to Hit = 100 * 2 * alvl / (alvl + dlvl)

    alvl = Level of Attacker; dlvl = Level of Defender.

    The Class Bonus to level of attacker is:

    20 for Barbarians and Paladins
    15 for Assassins
    5 for Amazons and Druids
    -10 for Necromancers
    -15 for Sorceresses
    So there is still an effect of the level difference on the chance to hit and there is still a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 95% chance to hit.

    Absorption (Or Absorbs)
    Absorb heals the player - which is equivalent to resistance. If you have 5% Absorb Fire, 5% of the Fire that would hurt heals you instead - roughly equivalent to 10% Resistance. It is not bound by the resistance cap however.

    + Fire Skills
    + Fire Skills include all of the Sorceress Fire Tree, Amazon (Fire Arrow, Explosive Arrow, Immolation Arrow), Paladin (Holy Fire), Druid (Fire Claws, Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Fissure, Volcano, Armageddon), Assassin (Fists of Fire, Fire Blast, Wake of Fire, Wake of Inferno), and Necromancer (Fire Golem, Corpse Explosion). and ACT III Fire based Mercenaries' all skills.

    On Striking
    On Striking means if you actually hit a target.

    On Attack
    On Attack means every time you swing.

    When Struck
    When your character is hit.

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